- Highly Qualified Professionals
- 50+ Years of Orthotic Experience
- Trusted by Thousands of Kiwis
Mistakes To Avoid
- Our feet are as unique as we are, and buying generic insoles won’t adequately address your needs or fit your sole’s mould. Off-the-shelf products are often soft, shock absorbing and provide little arch support.
- Off-the-shelf orthoses typically have a shorter life span, may aggravate your condition, and will likely be ineffective.
- A qualified professional must properly fit compression garments to maximise their benefits. Ill-fitting garments, either too tight or too loose, can actually worsen the situation.
- Orthotists are the only medically trained professionals qualified in the assessment, design and fitting of orthoses (bracing, insoles, orthotic footwear).

Common Misconceptions
Orthotics V Insoles
Orthoses are NOT only insoles. They externally applied devices that are used to modify the structure and characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. Othoses are - Braces, AFO’s, insoles, footwear.
Orthotics are not only for seniors
Orthoses are hard and painful
Correctly fitted orthoses will never increase your pain.
Depending on what you need, your orthoses will be as soft or as firm as required to assist with your recovery.
Foot orthoses make your feet dependent on them
Your feet will NOT become dependent on them. Custom foot orthoses provide essential support in key areas that improve function and/or limit excess motion that can otherwise cause stress to the foot.
Professionally fitted orthoses are more expensive
Correctly fitted orthoses are EFFECTIVE. They will last longer and save you money in the long term.
Orthotic footwear is bulky and unfashionable
Customised footwear does not have to threaten your fashion sense; we stock an extensive range of modern leisure, casual and dress shoes for children, women and men.