The difference between a podiatrist and orthotist

The health of our limbs and feet is crucial to our overall well-being. Making an informed decision about whether to choose a podiatrist or an orthotist will ensure a better outcome for your health.

Podiatrists specialise in assessing and treating various foot-related conditions to promote overall lower limb health. On the other hand, orthotists are trained experts in orthotics, which involves using external devices to correct bone and muscle alignment in the body. They are the only qualified professionals to assess, design, and fit orthoses like braces, insoles, and orthotic footwear.

While podiatrists focus on lower limb health, orthotics cover the entire body. Orthotics involves devices such as braces, compression garments, insoles, custom orthotic devices and orthotic footwear.

People with medical conditions, disabilities, and injuries benefit greatly from orthoses. Orthotics also provide tailored and effective solutions for athletes looking to prevent injuries during high-impact activities, and for those with conditions that need additional support for joints and muscles.

Professional orthotic treatment can increase your comfort and mobility by improving your alignment and posture, redistributing weight away from sensitive areas, and reducing inflammation. Explore your options with a professional orthotics specialist if you’re struggling with a medical condition or injury.

Discover the difference Orthotic House can make for your limb and foot health.

Common misconceptions about Orthotics
  • Orthotics are insoles.
    It is important to understand that orthotic devices include a variety of external tools that support the structure and characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. Insoles, footwear, braces, compression, and AFO’s are all forms of orthoses.
  • Orthotics are only for older people
    Anyone can benefit from orthotics, especially if you suffer from foot pain, leg pain, low back pain, poor balance, or poor circulation.
  • Orthoses are uncomfortable and painful.
    Properly fitted orthoses will never increase your pain. Depending on your needs, your orthoses will be as soft or as firm as required to assist with your recovery.
  • Professionally fitted orthoses are expensive.
    While professionally fitted orthoses may cost more initially, they are effective and last longer, saving you money in the long run. It’s important to understand orthotics benefits to increase awareness and encourage proactive healthcare.


The team at Orthotic House has over 50 years’ of experience supporting and encouraging clients along the path to life without limitations. They are the only medically trained professionals qualified to design and fit orthoses.